Lash Extensions Castle Rock, CO | Parker, CO | Highlands Ranch, CO

We are now located at 103 Fourth St #330 , Castle Rock, CO 80104


What is the difference between volume and classic lashes?

Classic lashes use a heavier single lash which is applied to each natural eyelash. Volume lashes use a hand-made fan of 2-8 lighter eyelashes that are applied to each natural lash. Classic lashes give a natural “mascara” look and are only recommended for individuals with a lot of healthy natural lashes since they do not add any fullness and heavier on the natural lash. Our Hybrid and Volume sets are lighter in weight (which make them a great option for anyone with thin, sparse or aging lashes) and they are more customizable, as we are able to control the density of the set using hand-made fans.

How should I come to my appointment?

You should come to all your lash appointments with no eye makeup on, no contact lenses and clean/freshly washed eyelashes. If this is not possible, makeup remover will be provided but it will take away from your lash time. Please don't drink coffee or caffeine before your appointment, it will make your eyelids jittery and hard to work with.

What should I expect at my appointment?

You will lay still on a comfortable, padded treatment bed while your extensions are applied. Your bottom lashes are protected and taped down to prevent any sticking to upper lashes. Once your eyes are closed, it is your time to relax so feel free to bring a podcast or music to listen to! The less you move, the more lashes we will be able to apply on each eye.

What if I want to remove them?

Either let them shed naturally or get them professionally removed! if you choose to get them removed by us, we will apply a gel and they will slide right off. Don't pick them out or try any DIY’s, you will pull out your natural lashes with them!

Will Eyelash extensions damage my lashes?

No. This is a huge misconception in the lash industry. The reason damage occurs to the natural lashes is when a lash artist is not applying the extensions properly. When natural lashes are glued together or an extension that is to heavy is applied, damage will occur. However, we are a damage-free lash studio which means we will only apply each extension to 1 of your natural lashes, allowing them to grow out with your natural lash cycle. We will also never apply an extension that is too long or heavy for your natural lash to handle.

How long do they last?

Depending on your lifestyle, aftercare, and natural shedding cycle, a fill is required every 2-3 weeks. During your fill appointment we will remove grown out and loose extensions and replace them with fresh ones. Remember, you must have at least 40% of your lashes left for it to be considered a fill. Please come to your refill appointment with clean lashes!

What should and shouldn't I do with my lash extensions?

         YOU SHOULD NOT....

  • Wet or expose your lashes to any water or steam (hot tubs, saunas, etc.) for the first 24 hours.

  •  Wash your lashes under a shower head (the pressure of the shower head will make your lashes fall out much quicker).

  •  Use any oil based products on or around your eyes (makeup remover, eye creams, sunscreen, etc).

  • Use any cotton pads or Q-tips around your lashes. Cotton fibers will tangle around your lashes.

  • Use products containing any glycols as they can break down the bond and shorten the life of the extensions.

  • Use any mascara

  •  Use a lash curler. You will permanently bend your lashes and they cannot be repaired.

  • Touch, pull, twist, or rub your lashes

  •  Sleep on your face  

  • Cut your lash extensions          

          YOU SHOULD....

  • Keep your lashes as clean as possible!

  • Wash your lashes every 3 days with recommended lash wash and fluffy brush (please use a cleanser formulation specifically for lash extensions and a fluffy brush that is NOT the lash spoolie).

  • Brush daily, not when wet

  • Sleep on your back or side with lashes not touching your pillow cases. Silk pillow cases help lashes stay on longer if you do sleep on them.

  • Clean your lashes with clean water after they get wet from pool or ocean water. If chlorine or salt water stay on the lashes for too long they tend to dry out and come off quickly.

  • Come for fills every 2-3 weeks

  • Enjoy your lashes!                   

Can you fill my eyelashes done by another lash artist?

Most of the time. If you have lashes from another lash artist we need to look at your lashes first.  If the lashes were not properly put on, the appointment may take longer than expected to fix your lashes. In some cases, we will need to remove your lashes and apply a new set.

Do you use real mink lashes?

 NO! Real mink lashes are actually a thing of the past. They are only really used as a marketing tactic and at most studios, will never actually be used during your service and instead “faux mink lashes” are applied which are synthetic. We are against animal cruelty, which is why we do not and never will use real mink fur for lash extensions. We use faux-mink lashes, which are man-made and designed to imitate real mink fur. They are very fine, soft and silky, just like real fur. However, they have been improved slightly, in that if you wet them, they won’t lose their curl. Real mink lashes have a higher chance to cause an allergic reaction and when wet, they become straight and lose their curl completely.